Monday, January 27, 2020

Explanation of Om Mani Padme Hum

I think Venerable Bhikshu Zhihan gave a very clear explanation of the six-syllabled Om Mani Padme Hum, a Sanskrit mantra which is associated with Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of compassion. I will quote the essence of what he said below. It be best that you watch the video. 

By Venerable Bhikshu Zhihan

When we recite the mantra, we are trying to connect with the energy of compassion in the universe. 

Even the mantra itself, the sound creates a certain vibration that if you recite continuously, you will start to vibrate at the same frequency and that is how you create positive energy via reciting mantra. 

You needs to understand what the mantra means. 

Buddha said, " Your practice is limited by your own mind. "

This compassion you develops, you want to share with all beings. 

Om is the sound of Big Bang (universe). Om sound does not comes from the throat but comes from the abdomen.

Om in Sanskrit literally means homage, respect, a lot of veneration.

Mani means gem (jewel). Jewel has a lot of facets. When you shine light into diamond,its like a prism, it actually radiates light all over. Its actually a symbolism of Compassion.

Padme means lotus. It symbolises Wisdom. Lotus grow above the mud. It grow from the mud and the lotus blossom above it.. It symbolises we live in this chaotic world, materialism, yet we don't have to be the same as everyone. We can be the lotus that helps others to grow out of the mud. 

Hum means the union of compassion and wisdom. According to Buddha' there is no such thing as compassion without wisdom. Your intention has to be pure. 
Wisdom implies the understanding of non-self. 

So Om Mani Padme Hum means the Homage to the union of compassion and wisdom.

Finally I understand why I lost the desire to eat meat whenever I chant Om Mani Padme Hum for a period of time.

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