Thursday, April 30, 2020

Happy Buddha's Birthday

Due to circuit breaker in Singapore, places of worships like temples are closed. 
Today is Buddha's birthday and its the day to remember Buddha's teaching. I used to be very bad-tempered. To me, Buddha is like my teacher, teaching me the path to cessation of suffering through the Noble Eight-fold path. If you can't remember, just remember to be kind and not hurt others. 

缘起性空 All phenomena originates from emptiness
果从心生 Fruition is created from the heart
欲望因心而起 Desires arise from the heart
烦恼自生 Vexation comes from oneself
你要离苦得乐 If you want to abandon suffering and gain happiness
就要脱离,,  You’ve to abandon greed, anger and ignorance.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Karma of Killing Insects

I'm a firm believer of karma. Karma is cause and effect due to action. Good action leads to good results and bad action leads to bad results.

In this video, Ajahn Keng, a Singaporean monk shared his experience of how he suffered for three years from killing many ants.

Whenever I see insect, I just ask them to go away. To prevent insects going to your home, try not to have food in open space and keep your home clean. Do not harm sentient beings, no matter their size.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Power of Concentration and Loving Kindness

In this video, Ajahn Keng shared that loving kindness is used to counter anger.
He also shared the power of concentration which can help you to gain knowledge. 

Ajahn Keng also emphasised the importance of observing the precepts. There are some people who are psychic but without precepts, it lead to their downfall due to greed. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

What is Buddhist View on Pandemic?

Recently one of my Buddhist friend asked me what is a Buddhist view on Pandemic. 

My initial view was the earth lacks balance. I feel human race has taken away so much from planet earth and torture other sentient beings like animals by rearing them for food. 

But upon deeper reflection , I thought about Buddha's teaching on the Four Noble truth which include Life is suffering. Besides the Four Noble truths, there is also impermanence. There will be an end to this pandemic when the causes and conditions are met. 

Meanwhile, just stay safe by staying at home, wash hands and wear mask if you need to buy groceries. 

May all sentient beings be safe.