Heart Sutra
Approaching the Heart Sutra in terms of Time: 12 links of dependent arising
In this video, Master Sheng Yen explained the verse, " No ignorance and also no ending of ignorance, until we come to no old age and d...
心经 Heart Sutra
Sunday, March 17, 2024
The Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Path
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Karma and the Golden Rule
I like to share this book, Messages from the Masters by Dr Brian Weiss, a Jewish American who served as a chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai Medical Centre in Miami Beach, Florida. Initially he didn't believe in reincarnation until he met a patient, Catherine who inexplicably recalled her many past-life memories.

Feedback On The Five Skandhas
I felt happy when I finally understand some verses from the Heart sutra and Diamond sutra after some personal experiences and shared the previous post on Five Skandhas here with five of my Buddhist friends. I also have many Christian friends and relatives but don't think it's appropriate to share with them. I received only one feedback from a wise friend and I am grateful that she shared her perspective. Another of my friend who is following Theravada path (traditional) said that he will refrain from commenting on Mahayana sutras as he follows Theravada teaching. To me I read both Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism sutras if they focus on the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold path which leads to cessation of samsara.
All living beings are made of the five skandhas of form, feeling sensation, perception, volition and consciousness (色受想行识)which accumulate to form the body and they are known as the five aggregates of clinging. The five aggregates arise through causes and conditions, therefore they are illusory and not permanent. I asked my friend if she is okay with me sharing her post here and she agreed. I am grateful to my wise and kind friend H.
If you want to find out more on Buddhism and inspiring stories, you can download free e-books from Singapore Kong Meng San Phor Kark See M...
In the past, I was wondering why monks and nuns abstain from eating garlic, three kinds of onions and leeks as they are plants. I only learn...
All living beings are made of the five skandhas of form, feeling sensation, perception, mental formations and consciousness which accumulate...