Thursday, December 29, 2022

Reflection on Buddhism Blog

I have a few blogs, but I never monetise Heart Sutra and Buddhism blog as I believe one should not make money from religion. I realised suffering is from the mind thus I started another blog on Buddhism to share on Buddha's teaching in 2017 that I find helpful to me as I believe it can help others to minimise suffering. 

Many people think that happiness is when they "own" or "have" thing or people. However I realise many people suffer due to attachment to temporary things. After owning this thing, they continue to strive to attain another thing. Greed and craving will only bind one to this samasara of continuous rebirth. That is why Gautama Buddha stated that monks must follow the precept of staying celibate else one could not escape this samsara. That's why one cannot be happy if your happiness is dependent on temporary physical thing or people. 

Buddhism has helped me tone down though sometimes I still get frustrated by certain situation. That's why it is daily practice and not to stop. When I feel upset, I will go read the Heart Sutra and listen to dharma talk via youtubes.  

I mentioned this before, I never expect to continue to blog on Buddhism and Heart Sutra as I was wondering what I could blog on Heart Sutra with only 260 Chinese characters. But behind this short sutra, it has deep meaning. I appreciate this verse, 心无罣礙,无罣礙故,无有恐怖. One have fear because they care too much like losing something, thus they always live in fear. For example, someone who brought stock but is constantly worry about the share price will not live in peace. They are always fearful of losing the money. 

When you appreciate what you have now and just work on yourself, you be at peace. 随缘自在。

Below is feedback by my dharma friend, Mr Tay.
 1. I agree that one should not monatise on religion and that was why Buddha said the Dhamma must be given free
 2. People turn to Buddhism because they realise what the First Noble Truth when they experience dukkha themselves
3. There's happiness from material possession like money, wealth,  status, etc. But the Buddha points out a more superior happiness


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