Thursday, February 18, 2021

Surangama Sutra 2

This is the second post on Surangama sutra. I find this sutra really informative. Buddha explained and corrected Ananda's wrong views. Buddha also taught about individual and collective karma, the origin of living beings and the world and six planes of existence. 

This 2h movie on Surangama Sutra specifically on how Buddha correcting Ananda's wrong view. The following interaction between the Buddha and Ananda (Buddha's cousin) starts from about 1h 35 min.

You can find many sutras in this website buddhanet here. You can donate to support them too. 

You can read Surangama sutra from here. 

Thus I have heard

The Buddha asked:Great King, as you just said, you were older at twenty than at ten, and until you were sixty, as days, months and years succeeded one another, your (body) changed in every moment of thought. When you saw the Ganges at three, was its water (the same as it was) when you were thirteen?

The king replied:It was the same when I was three and thirteen, and still is now that I am sixty-two.

The Buddha said:As you now notice your white hair and wrinkled face, there must be many more wrinkles than when you were a child. Today when you see the Ganges, do you notice that your seeing is oldnow while it was youngthen?

The king replied:It has always been the same, World Honoured One.

The Buddha said: Great King, though your face is wrinkled, the nature of this essence of your seeing is not. Therefore, that which is wrinkled changes and that which is free from wrinkles is unchanging. The changing is subject to destruction whereas the unchanging fundamentally is beyond birth and death; how can it be subject to your birth and death? Why do you bring out Maskari Gosaliputras  (wrong) teaching on total annihilation at the end of this life?

Upon hearing this, the king realized that after death, there will be (no annihilation but) life again in other transmigrations. He and the whole assembly were happy and enthusiastic at the Teaching which they had never heard before.

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