Saturday, February 22, 2020

Buddha's Teaching

The essence of the Buddha's teaching is The Four Noble Truths as shown below.
1) Understanding of suffering (dukkha)
2) Understanding of the origin of suffering is due to greed, hatred and ignorance
3) Understanding of the ending of suffering
4) The path leading to the ending of suffering is the Noble Eightfold path.

Noble Eightfold path
1) Right view (come first- Understand the Four Noble Truths)
2) Right thought( To get rid of three poisons- greed hatred and ignorance)
3) Right Speech (No false speech/No divisive speech)
4) Right Action (Avoid harming of life, alcohol and sexual misconduct)
5) Right Livelihood
6) Right Effort (Be diligent in the practice of Noble Eightfold path)
7) Right Mindfulness (Be aware of your thoughts, be contemplative )
8) Right Concentration (Meditation)
You can read more on the Noble Eightfold path from Access to Insight.

Before Buddha parinirvana, he again reminded his disciples of the Noble Eightfold path on the path of liberation from samsara. His last words to the monks,"All compounded things are subject to vanish. Strive with earnestness!" Besides the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold path, Buddha also taught the precepts, the 12 Dependent Origination, five aggregates of attachment and the six sense basis. Craving for sensual pleasure lead to endless rebirth. 

If others teach otherwise like burning of paper houses or indulging in alcohol or sex, then it is not the teaching of Buddha.   
From google image

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