Heart Sutra

Approaching the Heart Sutra in terms of Time: 12 links of dependent arising

In this video, Master Sheng Yen explained the verse, " No ignorance and also no ending of ignorance, until we come to no old age and d...

心经 Heart Sutra

观自在菩萨,行深般若波罗蜜多时,照见五蕴皆空,度一切苦厄。 舍利子,色不异空,空不异色,色即是空,空即是色。受、想、行、识,亦复如是。舍利子,是诸法空相:不生、不灭;不垢、不淨;不增、不减。是故空中无色,无受、想、行、识;无眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意;无色、声、香、味、触、法;无眼界,乃至无意识界,无无明,亦无无明尽,乃至无老死,亦无老死尽。无苦、集、灭、道,无智亦无得。 以无所得故,菩提萨埵,依般若波罗蜜多故,心无罣碍;无罣碍故,无有恐怖,远离颠倒梦想,究竟涅槃。三世诸佛,依般若波罗蜜多故,得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。 故知般若波罗蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是无上咒,是无等等咒;能除一切苦,真实不虚。故说般若波罗蜜多咒,即说咒曰:   揭谛揭谛!  波罗揭谛! 波罗僧揭谛! 菩提萨婆诃!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Origin and Passing of the World-12 links of Dependent Origination.

This Sotapanna handbook is really informative. It covers the essence of Buddha's teaching like the Noble Eightfold path and the 12 links of dependent origination.

“When this does not exist, that does not come to be,
With the cessation of this, that ceases.
When there is no consciousness, name-and-form does not come to be. 
When there is no name-and-form, the six senses bases do not come to be.
When there is no six senses bases, contact does not come to be. 
When there is no contact, feeling does not come to be. 
Whern there is no feeling, craving does not come to be. 
When there is no craving, clinging does not come to be.
When there is no clinging, existence does not come to be. 
When there is no existence, birth does not come to be.
When there is no birth, aging-and-death does not come to be.
He understands thus, “ In such a way the world ceases.”

'The Buddha told him: "What is this world? It is the receptacles of matter, feelings, thoughts, actions, and consciousness. The world is formed when we fastened to these receptacles because of our desire. It disappears when we can give them up, and leave them alone.... When you understand suffering, and how they come about, know how they can cease, and practice ways to cease them, you would have overcome your desire and crossed the edge of the world."' 

The five receptacles that the Buddha mentioned: matter, feelings, thoughts, actions, and consciousness, are what constitute the external and internal world of every sentient being. Through our sense organs, we take note of the external and internal world. For example, let us focus on only the interaction between matter and us, the sentient being. Our eyes see an image, our ears hear a sound, our nose smells a scent, our tongue perceives a taste, our body sense a touch, our mind recognizes an event. All these become consciousness and stored in that receptacle. How the sentient being handle the interaction makes all the difference between imprisonment in, and liberation from, Samsara, the endless cycle of births and deaths. Failing to understand the transient nature of what we perceive or interact with, we may like and enjoy them to the point of clinging onto them, thinking that they are eternally lasting. This may lead to actions that have all kinds of dire consequences, including getting stuck in Samsara. So, to stay away from trouble and become liberated, we should learn to sever our greed, and control our desire. The crux is in understanding the interrelatedness of all things, and to be constantly aware of the falsehood induced by our ego.

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