Monday, February 19, 2018

Adages of Wisdom by Master Sheng Yen

I learned a lot from Master Sheng Yen, a Chan Buddhist monk from Taiwan last year via youtube videos. I realised I actually took a small booklet titled 108 adages of wisdom in 2013 at Taiwan Taoyuan airport but at that time I didn't know about him.  I still have this small booklet. It's good to remind me not to be arrogant. I need to be more humble and be mindful before I talk. The following quotes by Master Sheng Yen stuck a chord with me. 

The four steps in dealing with any problem: face it, accept it, deal with it, let it go. 
面对它, 接受它, 处理它,放下它。

Face whatever is in front of you, act with wisdom, treat people with compassion; forget benefit, harm, gain, and loss, and vexations will diminish. 

A bright person is not necessarily wise; a dull person not necessarily foolish. Wisdom is not the same as knowledge; it lies in how you treat others and handle yourself.

Life's ups and downs are the stuff of growth and development.

Compassion has no enemies; wisdom, no vexations. 

Let the measure of your heart be great; the size of your ego, small. 

Accomplish your own ends by honoring others; reconcile hostility with respect to others; increase harmony with praise of others.

 The essence of possession and giving is love , but, one benefits the self, the second benefits others. Possession is self craving; giving stems from a great love that is selfless, joyful, and equanimous. 

The meaning of life lies in constant learning and dedication; helping others leads to self-growth.

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